Water Utility

On Tuesday, June 23, 2015, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) approved an application by the Municipality of the County of Antigonish to amend the rates charged to customers of both the Fringe Area and Lower South River and Area (LSR) water utilities.

Budgets are prepared for each utility annually and are reflective of the revenues collected from customers using UARB approved rates and the costs of making available and delivering water to those customers. Water rates were last approved for the Fringe Utility in 1995 and for the LSR Utility in 2008.

In recent years it has become clear that the current rate structure is not producing sufficient revenue for the utilities to cover the cost of providing water to customers. After a consultant’s review of accounts and operations, Municipal Council approved an application to amend rates in December 2014. A public hearing was held in April 2015.

Additional details and the complete decision from the Utility and Review Board can be found here:


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